靜物與聲景 Still Life and Soundscapes
靜物與聲景 Still Life and Soundscapes
創作工作坊及展覽 Collective Workshop & Installations
In 2020 the Uncertain Studio was commissioned to hold a workshop based on their 2014 installation, HULDUR, which was devised during their residency in Iceland.
We led the participants through our own creative processes, mainly exercises in the arrangement of found objects and the editing of recorded soundscapes. Through these processes the participants each created their own installation, to be exhibited alongside our own work. Each piece is a private landscape, forming personal narratives through intimate settings and very quiet sounds.
空總當代文化實驗場 Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab
《Re: Play操/演現場:推衍現場》
策展人 林人中
工作坊主持人 蔣韜 曾彥婷
協同創作者 葉雅婷 許紫珈 薛詠之 林辰恩 麥凱瑩 林凱琪
平面攝影 陳以軒 陳浡濬